Aircore drilling
Aircore drilling at the Coogee South gold prospect
Aircore drilling on Lake Lefroy
Aircore drilling on Lake Lefroy
Aircore drilling on Lake Lefroy
Aircore drilling on Lake Randall
Aircore drilling with Raglan Drilling
Aircore drilling with the lake rig at the Eastern Lefroy Project
Camp - Eastern Lefroy Project
Coogee Pit
Diamond core logging
Diamond drillhole LEFR273 featuring chalcopyrite and quartz veining hosted in diorite
Diamond drillhole LEFR273 with native copper in basalt
Drilling on Lake Lefroy
Drilling on Lake Lefroy
Exploration camp at the Eastern Lefroy Project
Field camp
Gold prospecting
Haines Surveys conducting a gravity survey out on Lake Lefroy
Lake Drilling at the Zanex target
Lake Johnston Project
Lake Lefroy
Lake Lefroy
Lake Lefroy
Lake Lefroy
Lake Randall
LEFA001 - LEX's first aircore drillhole
Magnetics survey over Lake Lefroy
MD Wade Johnson supervising the diamond drilling
MD Wade Johnson with the Suzuki on Lake Lefroy
Native copper and gypsum within basalt in diamond hole LEFR272
Nuggets of native copper in RC drill chips in hole LEFR275
RC Drilling
RC Drilling at the Burns prospect
Sunset - Eastern Lefroy Project
Sunset over the aircore rig
Suzuki on Lake Lefroy
The first aircore hole drilled by the Company - LEFA001